/ see you
It's done! As of Monday I have no more internet! My provider said it may take up to 6 weeks and I find that real sh ****! But I bit anyway have enough to do the move and if this is done I can still scrapping!
remains loyal and have a look at my counter! Yes soon there are 5000 visitors and the cries for a RAK !!!!!
will look like exactly what I think about me but it is toll und jeder hat die Chance es zu gewinnen!
It´s time! On Monday next week i won´t have a internet connection for about 6 weeks! My provider means that it could last so long if i have bad luck! I find that quite unacceptable. But i think i will have enough trouble with my removal and if that will be done i am ready to scrap!
Be faithfull to me and have a look at my counter! Yes presently the 5000 visitor will view my blog! So I think it is time for a RAK!!!!
How it will be I have to consider but it will be great and everybody have the chance to win! Yes everybody all over the world!
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