mini-World Cup
During the football World Cup in South Africa in June 2010 is staging the house of the youth a mini-World Cup for young football fans.
will be played in two age groups: 10-13 years and 14-17 years .
Each team consists of five field players + a goalkeeper, and up to four substitutes. At least a girl must be a member of the team and it should preferably be a Auswechselspielerin.
will be played on artificial turf and municipal Manz Ursenwang at 19 and 26.6. 2010th
man can take part in the machinations of the various sub-bodies Jungendhauses and school teams, etc.
course, the cave will also be two teams here.
The player search has already begun. There
detailed information is available in the tender in the cave or on the Internet at www.mini-WM2010.de.ms